Sunday, June 8, 2008

Round 2 Begins Tomorrow!

This time around I am going to have a plan and follow it as much as possible. I have a 13 week plan that I tried to follow last time but life kind of got in the way and brought about 15 pounds with it. Yikes! This time, I vow to not only train better, but also eat better. No longer do I get to say, "Hey, I just ran for an hour...3 cookies are ok aren't they?". I don't plan on doing anything too drastic. Chocolate is still a part of my life and a good glass of wine won't be wasted. However, the extra eating has to stop. The hardest part about our last race was having the extra weight to drag around. It definitely made me slower and less efficient.

So, here I pledge not only to race my second half iron on Sept 6 but to also be 15 pounds lighter!

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