Friday, February 22, 2008

Okay, so funny thing....

Okay, so funny thing… last week I signed up to run a half-marathon. I've never done a running race before and I wanted to get a feel for the half-marathon distance. Following my motto, I figured "it's good training." So, what's so funny about that? Oh, maybe just that it's NEXT weekend!!

You know how they say don't go to the grocery store on an empty stomach? Well, you should never sign up for a race while you're still on a runner's high!

I have no idea what I was thinking. Actually, I do know what I was thinking. Current trends seem to indicate that I am highly wooed by Coke being served along the course at the aid stations and any variation of a t-shirt. As Barbiegirlnot and I discussed, we just do this for the free t-shirt. (And by "free" I mean after you pay your entry fee, train for weeks, wake up at the crack of dawn, push yourself to the extremes, and cross the finish line). This race, the B&A Trail Marathon/Half Marathon, is giving away a fleece vest. All together now, "oooooohhhhhhh. aaaaaahhhhhh." I know! It use to be that I was immediately swayed by a long-sleeve tee or a tech tee. Annapolis Striders totally stepped it up on this one.

With my current long distance run at around 6.7 miles and my longest distance run at 10.5, I am going to do a 13.1 mile race next weekend. I will finish the race whether I run across, walk across or crawl across the finish line. Man, I hope the Coke is caffeinated! Blog and details to follow pending survival. Wish me luck!

"It's good training!" - Just Tri Me