Friday, February 8, 2008

I Got Rhythm…

Okay, so any of you who know me outside of cyberspace know I can barely walk and breathe at the same time, but I finally fell into a rhythm this week with training. I still haven't been able to get to the pool and this is no training plan by any means, but I increased my hours and started laying the foundation. I'm also extremely thrilled to get back into weight training. I have a pair of work-out shorts from our sponsor, seeMOMMYrun, which our team lovingly refers to as "the booty shorts". Hopefully another week or two of training and I'll have the courage to wear them!

Here's how the week panned out:

Sunday: Endurance training - 5K run , 45 min. cycling, and then 15 min. on the stair climber to take the place of swimming

Monday: 10 K run (first 10K run since the DC Tri in October and it was done at my 5K race pace time!!)

Tuesday: 40 min. weights, taught 50 min. Spin class (I actually work harder when I teach than when I'm taking the class myself)

Wednesday: 5K run and Pilates class

Thursday: taught Spin and 20 min. of abs and arms

Friday: 20 min. cardio, 1 hour of weights, and light vacuuming (Yes, vacuuming is considered a work-out. And, if you have to carry a tot on your hip while you do it, it should be considered strength and endurance training. :-)

I also managed to get ahead on my lesson plans and xeroxing, do work and home filing, do the ironing that I've been neglecting for the last three weeks, catch up on TiVo, take Tri-Toddler out in the warm weather, etc. I'm certainly no energizer bunny, but somehow I always seem to be more organized when I'm on overload. With all this going on, I still felt a flow to my week. Training really does center me. The best part was getting to Friday and realizing I still had an off-day. I think I'll hook up the bike trailer and take Tri-Toddler for a ride around the neighborhood. No game-plan, no timing, a pint-sized partner… that's the best training!

"I got rhythm, I got music, I got my girl… who could ask for anything more?"

"It's good training." -Just Tri Me


barbiegirlnot said...

WOW! You are amazing. And I agree any house work is a workout especially with tots around!! So don't you just love the gear we got!?!?!?!?! I have been sporting the long sleeve top I got the last couple of days. i am so proud.

NL Gassert said...

Good lord, I'm tired just reading that training schedule of yours :-)

Give Tri Toddler a hug from us.
