Tuesday, July 8, 2008

EFFD: Bad Day

Escape from Fort Delaware Race Summary: A woman passed me on the bike at mile 14 and shouted over her shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm not in this race." I shouted back, "Don't worry, I don't think I am either!"

I am describing this race as CRAPTACULAR. I'm not even going to put down my race splits or my time. I'll only say that I was 20 minutes slower than my usual Olympic distance tri and was the 8th to last on the bike. (Somehow, though I still managed to finish middle of age group, but that was really by default because the rest of my age group was all lined up right behind me in the final standings.)

The support I received from my teammates is as follows:



BarbieGirlNot: "stop being an OCD triathlete and start being an ADD one"

I was looking forward to the swim because you get to swim across the Delaware River. I guess in years to come I can say I did that. I got off course 4 times, and it was a straight swim; one side of the river to the other. And it wasn't a "oh, I got a little off course", it was a "I got so off course that the kayakers and police boats had to come get me"… FOUR TIMES!

I really considered packing it up and going home but I paid money and didn't want to waste it. I have to say I was honestly hoping for a bike break down so I could pack it up and go home. But of course, my bike held up and this was one race that had a bike van helping out along the course.
Oh, and the picture that's posted. That's not me at the end of the race. That's me just starting the run...

This race just wasn't any fun for me. Even when I have a not-so-great race, it's still enjoyable. This wasn't. I'm just mentally and physically caput. I have been racing since March 1 of this year and have had no more than a 2 week break from races.

So, I have decided that I'm not training until August. Just not doing it. The girls are planning these bricks and training runs, but I'm out.

If you want to read a training blog, check back for the girls' entries. I might chime in to mention an awesome new routine I’m trying at the gym or how amazing it is when you allow your body time to rest and heal. Happy training ladies, if you need me I'll be lounging at the pool…..

"I'm not training 'til August..." - Just Tri Me

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