Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Day

I went to the New Year's day run at Burke Lake. Met alot of really nice people. I took Blue, Brenden, Puller and Brian. The girls all run way faster than I did. I was a little upset about it but fortunately my wonderful husband (Brian) said that it didn't matter I still looked young. He was great. Truth is I wish I could run as fast as those girls but I haven't really put the effort in. I think I will get better this year. I am really committing. At least on the first day of the year I am really committing. It seems that life gets in the way sometimes. But hopefully this will be part of my life. I really want to do well at the 1/2 ironman. If it seems like that is all I do is write about that it is because I am consumed by it. I have decided my priorities this year will be:
1- Kids (Read more to them, Quality Time)
2- Complete Yoga Certification
3- Triathlon training
4- Dog (Obediance training so people can actually come into the house)
5- Go Greener (Bring shopping bags to the store, walk when I can, no more paper towels)

Ok so now that they are written down it makes them more solid and attainable. Anyway, Teh official start date for the training, which is week 20 is Monday 14 January 2008. Right now I am still working up to the distances/times that I need to be at to start the program I have. Hope everyone had a great new year.

1 comment:

SeeMommyRunandBoxandCraft said...

Puh-lease!!!! I was thrilled to meet you today at the lake! It shows so much self confidence and power to show up at a place where you know no one. Much less run with them! Speed doesn't matter. I can say with complete confidence that YOU ARE THE ONLY CRAZY WOMAN OF EVERYONE THERE TODAY WHO IS BRAVE ENOUGH AND STRONG ENOUGH TO DO A 1/2 IRONMAN. Bless you! You are incredible! Thanks so much for coming today. Your family is beautiful. Hope to get to know you in 2008!