Sunday, May 18, 2008

Scared To Death

While my teammates SEEM to do little training for these races, they both end up finishing and with really fast times. I, on the other hand, have been training my butt off (not literally-but I wish it was coming off) and finishing with less than impressive times. Though I am finishing and that should be enough, but like my teammates I have a competative spirit which is how I got roped into this completely crazy 1/2 ironman race. Anyway, I am scared to death! As race day approaches, less than 2 weeks, my stress level rises and I am breaking out in zits (isn't that only suppose to happen to young people???????????), eating tons of junk food (I am a stress eater), and finding myself daydreaming about how I need to swim, bike and run an obnoxious amount of miles in less than 2weeks (there are so many other things to day dream about like david what's his name from Bones). Ok, so I got all cocky in one of my earlier blogs thinking I could actually place or do fairly well. i take all that back. Surviving is my ONLY goal. And if I get roped into this 2nd 1/2 ironman I will certify myself as crazy!!!! On another note....Just tri me talked about tattoos. I am one of those persons who has 8 of them and one of them is a triathlon tattoo. Though, it is not anything affiliated with ironman. I am also looking to get my 9th this summer. I think a tattoo with the maiden mother crone symbol over my belly and my kids birthdays over the mother symbol is appropriate for my last (I am running out of room in the areas that no one can see them) tattoo. Did I tell you all I am scared to death?????

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