Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So this week, I moved into my Base 1 week. Which by the way is mostly swimming. I hate swimming. If I didn't have to get all wet and full of chlorine it wouldn't be so bad. But I drop my kids off in the child center and 9 out of 10 times someone has to come get me out of the pool (interupting my workout) for a poopy diaper or a crying, unconsolable kid. Now I know that almost sounded like I was frustrated with my kids, but the truth is I am usually happy about not having to swim, but it takes me atleast 10 minutes to get dressed because I am wet and full of chlorine. And that is with no shower!!!! So my poor kid sits in a poopy diaper and I feel like the worst ma because of it. Plus, whenever I rush, things become 10times harder and I know this but I always rush when my kids need me. So I am back to the I hate swimming. The last 2 days I actually made it through my swim workouts and got a shower!!!! I am exhausted. I think I am learning how to rate wether my 1 year old will make it through a swim or not: if he has already pooped, eaten at least 1 full bowl of oatmeal, gotten at least 10 hours of sleep, and gotten to chase the dog around the house for at least 10 minutes in the morning he will make it through an hour swim workout. I love my kids and their quirks. My oldest as long as he has gotten sleep the night before and has gone potty will make it. He loves playing with the other kids. If I could just figure out my routine for a good swim workout.....learn to swim!!!!!!!!!! For all of you who swim past me and kick me in the face as you do, I will catch you on the bike!!! Ride hard!

1 comment:

Just Tri Me said...

Once they get used to your swimming routine, they'll get their routine down. I really don't feel that bad for you not liking swimming because I know you WILL kick my butt on the bike! :) Happy Training! (Off to GA next week so I have a recovery week - yea!)