Thursday, January 31, 2008

Week 3 Yeah!!!!

Things are going great. I am in my 3rd week and despite a small sickness setback I have continued to train (against my bodies approval) and have gotten into a routine. Here it is for any of you that wonder if it really can be done with 2 kids, a dog, a high maintenance husband, and a part time job.

Mondays: 30 minute run in the morning @ the gym before work - 60 minute ride on bike trainer @ home watching Buffy the Vampire slayer on DVD on prtable DVD player after kids have gone to bed. In bed by 8:30 Yeah!!!!!!!

Tuesdays: 60 minute long run with 2 kids and dog after preschool and sometimes naps.

Wednesdays: 30 minute swim in the morning which I hope to make longer with some drills but still getting comfortable with the water. - 40 minute run in the evenings with kids and dog.

Thursdays: OFF my favorite day right now!!!!

Fridays: 60 minute bike after work while kids are down for their nap

Saturdays: 30 minute swim in the mornings- 45 minute bike sometime when I can get my hubby to watch the kids

Sundays: Run or bike depending on the weather. I have been alternating which one I do because I feel like I need to train for both and can't decide which one.

Hopefully this will motivate some of you. And anyone who wishs to join me let me know!!!

Here is to training and friends who talk us into these crazy things we do!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TriBabes Gone Viral?

So, a week after Barbiegirlnot's posting, I got sick. Surely this isn't what they mean by getting an internet virus?! Blech! I just started getting back into the swing of things, getting my endurance up and going, getting my weight training regime back on track, and finally undoing the havoc those 5 days in Missouri cost me at Christmas.

I'm trying to look on the bright side of things (I’m told people do this), so, um, when I hack my lungs out, I get a good abdominal crunch in. If I have the presence of mind to twist as I double over I can probably work the obliques too…. I'm drinking more tea instead of coffee with creamer…. I breathe through my nose more because if I open my mouth I cough up a lung….

I have to thank my mom, aka Saint Jane of Springfield, for helping out. I know I would not have recovered so quickly without her help and a huge thanks for taking care of Tri-Toddler Saturday night and letting me sleep. I truly did forget that there was a reason I don't give her microwaveable pizza at dinner time. Poor gassy baby…

Ooooh, on another news front, Tri-Hubby and I might be going on a second (or third?) honeymoon in March. Rumors are swirling that it might involve a certain southern city that I've always wanted to visit and is the location of my favorite novel, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil… Have you guessed it, yet? SAVANNAH. I'm gonna get me some deep-fried-Paula-Dean-don't-hold-the-mayo-or-butter-southern-home-cooking. Can you hear that?! It's the sound of my arteries clogging already!

In a related story, I plan to start doing at least 1 ten-miler a week starting very soon. :)

"It's good training" -Just Tri Me

Friday, January 11, 2008

Sick Days

Week 1 didn't go as well as planned...I got Strep Throat. Thought it was a sinus infection so I kept plugging along, life as usual. But by Wed. night I couldn't even swallow my own spit. Got a shot in the butt and some steriods from the emergency room doctor and I am in recovery mode. took the kids and dog out for a long walk today. It was warm and beautiful. Perfect for running but since I am still having swallowing issues decided it best not to run. It is always so hard getting back into a routine after taking a couple days off. First couple days are just about getting it done. Then I concentrate on quality workouts. Here is to a better next week!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Toto, We're Not in Hawaii Anymore...

This summer we moved back to DC after living in Hawaii for 2 ½ years. I hate going to the gym in January. It's so crowded and you have to fight for a spot in the classes. In Hawaii, when the gym got crowded in January, it was the push I needed to get outdoors and train. January - March - November, what was the difference? I did more running and swimming because I didn't want to fight for a spot in the classes, or fight for a treadmill or, worse, get to the gym to find out there were no more spots left at the daycare. Guess those days are over! I have no idea how I’m going to train in the cold weather. Any ideas? Thank goodness for UnderArmour Cold Weather gear. I also need some ideas for indoor training and cardio workouts for snow days when I can't even get to the gym.

Alright so here it goes, in writing, my goals this year are:

1. Finish a half-iron triathlon - and hopefully not require medical attention, but finishing is priority, of course

2.. Improve efforts with Tri-Toddler's potty training - I know this will make life easier, I just know it....

Goals on the back burner for which I should not be held liable:

- Really, really, really try to enjoy running. If I could, I would switch the run distance and swim distance.

(- Do a marathon)
- Continue to improve my place in my age group. Last year I went from bottom to middle - woo-hoo!


My biggest fear is getting kicked off the half-iron course. Hmph, this time last year my fear was getting eaten by a shark on the swim…

On a side note, I took on another Spin class at the gym. I'm really bummed because after I accepted, I found out I don't get free gym membership unless I teach 3 classes a week. Grrr. At least I get free babysitting while I teach (plus the half-hour I get there before class to do abs and sprints and the half hour after so I can work arms and more abs… he, he, he). I need a shirt that reads "Will Work For Free Babysitting" … and Nine West shoes
. :)

"It's Good Training" -Just Tri Me

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Day

I went to the New Year's day run at Burke Lake. Met alot of really nice people. I took Blue, Brenden, Puller and Brian. The girls all run way faster than I did. I was a little upset about it but fortunately my wonderful husband (Brian) said that it didn't matter I still looked young. He was great. Truth is I wish I could run as fast as those girls but I haven't really put the effort in. I think I will get better this year. I am really committing. At least on the first day of the year I am really committing. It seems that life gets in the way sometimes. But hopefully this will be part of my life. I really want to do well at the 1/2 ironman. If it seems like that is all I do is write about that it is because I am consumed by it. I have decided my priorities this year will be:
1- Kids (Read more to them, Quality Time)
2- Complete Yoga Certification
3- Triathlon training
4- Dog (Obediance training so people can actually come into the house)
5- Go Greener (Bring shopping bags to the store, walk when I can, no more paper towels)

Ok so now that they are written down it makes them more solid and attainable. Anyway, Teh official start date for the training, which is week 20 is Monday 14 January 2008. Right now I am still working up to the distances/times that I need to be at to start the program I have. Hope everyone had a great new year.